Teaching our children well ! Opportunity

July 20, 2018 Becky 0 Comments

I have a question to all of the parents who are willing to share their answers on my blog:

I believe every parent has a quote, a constant reminder, a request or a statement that is directed to your children everyday, or every opportunity given to teach or encourage or even instruct their little ones to become great people. I tell my children that a job half done, isn’t done at all! I send them back and require they do it again or attempt to do it correctly. What do you repeat, what instructions do you find yourself giving over and over? Sometimes I would just like to play a recording. I often think, are they hearing what I have to say? Am I really teaching them well? Will they ever understand? Parenting is one of the highest callings. Don’t ever give up! My hubby and I have been married nearly 40 years. We have been raising children for 35 years. You see, our children range in age from 11 to 35. It has been a journey that has presented many difficult times, but giving up has never been an option!  There really is joy in the journey! Sometimes, you just have to look a little deeper to see it! 


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